AssetCLoud – Asset Management Barcode Tracking Software


  • AssetCloud Tracking Software – Track all your fixed assets, tools & equipment with barcodes.
  • No More Paper & Pen. Just Scan.
  • Cloud & OnPremise Version Available.
  • We provide a full asset tracking system.
  • Check assets in or out to customers and employees
  • Assign due-date and due-time when checking out assets
  • Track assets by site, location, department, item & serial number
  • Move items by location, department, purchase order, or custom filter
  • Attach any type of file to an asset – pictures, warranties, user manuals, more
  • Easily import and export data using the Import/Export Wizard
  • Create asset tags, barcode labels, and employee badges
  • Capture purchase order, invoice & warranty details, and asset cost
  • Track book value of assets by company or department
AssetCLoud – Asset Management Barcode Tracking Software


AssetCLoud – Asset Management Barcode Tracking Software



PDA Barcode Scanners

Asset Barcode Printer

Asset Barcode Labels

AssetCLoud – Asset Management Barcode Tracking Software

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About Product


AssetCloud On Premise means you install it on your server. All network and server issues are your responsibility.  Is a one off payment.  Highly recommended that you have IT support for installation, It also requires server software

AssetCloud means its hosted in the cloud. You don’t need to worry about servers or network issues. There is a annual subscription.

AssetCloud Complete _ Means you have full functionality of all AssetCloud

AssetCloud Basic – Means you have partial functionality of AssetCloud. Around 70%

Users – Pricing is also based on how many concurrent users need to use the software. How many users at same time need to use software. So even though you may have 20 x people that can log in to use software, pricing is based on how many need to use at same time.

Perform Audits to Verify and Eliminate Inconsistencies

Tracking where fixed assets are, who is in possession of the assets, and when assets are due back. Checking out assets assigns responsibility to an employee, a customer or even a vendor. Checking in assets releases end-user responsibility and allows the assets to be reallocated.


Create Reports for Accountability and Insight

AssetCloud’s reporting suite includes 25 common, pre-built reports that help manage assets out-of-the-box and collect data-driven feedback. Users also have the ability to design custom reports designed specifically to their business and tracking needs.


Trigger Notifications for Critical Intelligence

Receiving instant feedback on asset-related events within your organization allows everyone to be better informed. AssetCloud’s notification engine allows you to set custom triggers to save time and empower people with information.


Manage Maintenance and Work Orders

Quick maintenance allows end-users to assign maintenance tasks to individual assets, which could be anything from heavy machinery to fleet vehicles to fire extinguishers. Work orders can be created that are assigned to one or multiple people, can contain one or multiple assets and require the completion of one or multiple tasks.

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